On April 22, 2012, a bright fireball (bolide) was seen over parts of California and Nevada at approx. 7:51am (PDT). This fireball heralded the arrival of a mini-van sized space rock which entered the Earth's upper atmosphere over Sutter's Mill California and dropped meteorites across streets and backyards. These meteorites are now being found by professional hunters, landowners, and scientists. Listed below are the specimens that have been found and reported. There are likely more stones that have been found but not reported, so this list is not definitive. I will update this list as new information becomes available. If you know of a specimen that was found and is not on this list, please contact me via email.
List of known finds: official find number, finder name, specimen size. (official reported stones first)
SM1 - Robert Ward - two specimens weighing 5.55g and 1.7g each (total 7.25g)
SM2 - Peter Jenniskens - fragments from crushed (by a car) stone totalling 4g
SM3 - Brien Cook - 5g stone
SM4 - Brenda Salveson -16g oriented heat-shield with broken piece, total weight 17g
SM6 - Patrick Murphy - 2.42g specimen
SM7 - Jerry Moorman - 5.97g stone with "oriented feature"
SM8 - Susan Monroe - 19.1g specimen
SM9 - Eric Bowker - 6.3g specimen
SM10 - Loraine Logan - 6.2g piece
SM11 - Tania McAllister - 14.48g specimen
SM12 - Moni Waiblinger - 17.5g specimen
SM13 - Marcos and Jennifer - 18.87g specimen
SM14 - Suzie Matin - broken stone, 10.3g and 1.4g (12.5g total) (HAMMER - struck garage)
SM15 - Mike and Julie Steward - 11.3g
SM16 - Jim Plimpton and son Bailey - broken stone, two pieces, 11g and 4g (15g total)
SM17 - Greg and Abriela Jorgensen - 7.20g specimen
SM18 - Greg Jorgensen - 5.4g specimen
SM19 - Alice Butler - 9.98g specimen
SM20 - Richard Garcia - 1.13g specimen
SM21 - Bob Pederson - 1g specimen
SM22 - Paul Gessler - .55g fragment
SM23 - Vickie Ly - 1.6g specimen
SM24 - Barbara Broide and Ryan Turner - 2.10g specimen
SM25 - Jason Utas - 7.3g specimen
SM26 - Jason Utas and Michelle Myers - 3.5g specimen
SM27 - Mitch Carey - 35.1g whole stone
SM28 - Madeleine Hogue and Dinesh Krishnamurthy - 4.7g specimen
SM29 - Joan Johnson - 11.8g specimen
SM30 - Joyce Matin and Mark Dayton - 3.53g specimen
SM31 - Mark Dayton - 5.9g whole stone
SM32 - Doug Klotz - 9.6g specimen
SM33 - Connie Nelson - 8.5g specimen
SM34 - Adam Hamlin - 1.63g specimen
SM35 - Robert Ward - .09g whole specimen
SM36 - Mike Shaw - 22.6g whole stone (the "The Lotus Heart Stone")
SM37 - Mike Miller - 2.8g specimen
SM38 - Stanley Wall - 7g
SM39 - Mike Miller - 2.5g specimen
SM40 - Mike Hankey, Larry Adkins, Keith Mueller - 17.7g stone
SM41 - David Johnson - 9.3g stone with small break on one end
SM42 - Mendy Ouzillou - 1.6g specimen
SM43 - Sandy Vanderpol - 4.3g specimen
SM44 - Dennis and Karen Kelleher - 5.46g specimen
SM45 - Alex Wolfgram - 2.9g specimen
SM46 - Rebecca G Stuart - 2.4g specimen
SM47 - Teal Triolo - 10.1g specimen
SM48 - Kelly Heavin - 5.1g specimen
SM49 - Mike Miller - 5.9g specimen
SM50 - Robert Ward - 42.4g specimen
SM51 - Rick Patrinellis - 12.32g specimen
SM52 - Peter Utas - 12.4g specimen
SM53 - Jeffrey A Grant - 205.2g whole stone (largest known find or "main mass")
SM54 - Shane Skogberg - 20.2g specimen
SM55 - Keith Jenkerson - 20.6g half-stone
SM56 - Bob Willis - 7.6g specimen
SM57 - Rick Nelson, Connie Nelson, Sandy Cox, Steve Cox - 2.8g specimen
SM58 - Sandy Cox, Steve Cox, Connie Nelson, Rick Nelson - 1.3g specimen
SM59 - Sandy Cox, Steve Cox, Connie Nelson, Rick Nelson - 1.5g specimen
SM60 - Rick Nelson, Connie Nelson, Sandy Cox, Steve Cox - 4.5g specimen
SM61 - Rick Nelson, Connie Nelson, Sandy Cox, Steve Cox - 3.4g specimen
SM62 - Sandy Cox, Steve Cox, Connie Nelson, Rick Nelson - 1.8g specimen
SM63 - Dana Jenkerson - 8.3g specimen
SM64 - Keith Jenkerson - 21.47g specimen (22.3g on Jenniskens' page)
SM65 - Philip Deriemer - 11.6g specimen
SM66 - Keith Jenkerson - 25.2g specimen
SM67 - Beverly Girten - .35g specimen
SM68 - Connie Nelson, Rick Nelson, Sandy Cox, Steve Cox - 1g specimen
SM69 - Dan and Katrina Siders - 27.5g specimen
SM70 - Glenn Arsenault - 27g specimen
SM71 - Roy Karen - 6.2g specimen
SM72 - Keith Jenkerson - 24.3g oriented shield
SM73 - Noel and Aidan Robinson - 8.1g specimen
SM74 - Joel Kaderka - 21.6g specimen
SM75 - Miquel Leon Contreras - 6.85g specimen
SM76 - Sonny Clary - 8.10g specimen
SM77 - Jason Utas and Friends - 13.5g specimen
SM78 - Jason Utas and Friends - 14.5g specimen
SM79 - Luka Bogdanovich - 9.3g specimen
Unknown (crushed by bus) - numerous fragments total 18g
Mark Dayton - 2.4g specimen
Dave - oriented stone - 5.2g
River Townsend - .5g specimen
Robert Clark - 1g specimen
Jim Baxter - .5g fragment (part of the Matin hammer-stone)
Joan Johnson - 11.8g complete stone
Dave Gheesling - 2 small fragments, .07g and .039g
Anonymous finder - 2.76g specimen
TKW is now approx. : 1001.8 grams (not including unknown or unverified finds)
Unverified finds, finds without weights or no finder info (not included in TKW above) :
Approximately 5-6 fragments of the Matin hammer-stone, each
SM5 - William Feek - 2.38g specimen (meteorwrong - not a meteorite)
Anonymous finder - 8g stone, broken in half
Peter Jenniskens' official NASA/SETI webpage of find data - http://asima.seti.org/sm/
Official Meteoritical Bulletin database entry - https://www.lpi.usra.edu/meteor/metbull.php?code=55529
NOTE : If you are a finder named above and you would rather remain anonymous, contact me via email and I will list your find on this webpage as "anonymous finder".
To officially report your stone, please contact Dr. Peter Jenniskens at NASA - petrus.m.jenniskens@nasa.gov