Irgizites are shards and droplets of molten material ejected during the same meteorite impact that also created Zhamanshinite impact glass. The Zhamanshin crater is a 14km-wide structure located in Kazakhstan that was the result of a meteorite impact approx. 1 million years ago.
Irgizites are similar in overall appearance to Indochinite tektites, but Irgizites are smaller and have less variety in shapes. Most irgizites are droplet shaped or thin stretched forms. These are not commonly seen on the market and large ones are almost unheard of. I acquired about two dozen small pieces.
Refer to the photos. The black centimeter cube is shown for scale and is not included. You are purchasing a single (ONE) tektite specimen selected from the larger lot shown. Your purchase will include a labeled gemjar for safe storage. You will get a "dealer's choice" specimen - I will select the largest or nicest specimen I have remaining for you.