NWA 14420, Rare CVoxA3 Carbonaceous Type, Micromount

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A modest amount (approx. 1/2 kilogram) of meteorite fragments were recovered from the Mauritanian Sahara in 2021. Samples were eventually brought to Portland State University's Cascadia Meteorite Lab for analysis. It was officially classified as a CV3 carbonaceous chondrite with data that puts it within the newly-established ranges for the CVox class (CV oxidized). This meteorite has a chondrule-rich matrix with CAIs and other inclusions.

Refer to the photo. The black centimeter cube is shown for scale and is not included. You are purchasing a single small fragment like the one shown. Your purchase will include a labeled gemjar for safe storage.

From the Meteoritical Bulletin entry on NWA 14420 :

Northwest Africa 14420 (NWA 14420)

(Northwest Africa)

Purchased: 2021

Classification: Carbonaceous chondrite (CV3)

History: Colvin purchased from a dealer in Mauritania via the internet.

Petrography: (M. Hutson, D. Sheikh, A. Ruzicka, Cascadia): In thin section, the sample contains chondrules and refractory inclusions including CAIs and AOAs (up to 4 mm across, with an average size of ~1 mm) set in a fine-grained dark matrix containing accessory magnetite grains. No metal was observed. The matrix comprises about 55% of the thin section area.

Classification: Texture and chemistry, including abundant refractory inclusions indicates a CV3 chondrite. Lack of metal and presence of magnetite suggests an oxidized CV3; low magnetic susceptibility favors CVoxA3 from Gattacceca et al., 2020.